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  • Angular Contact Ball Bearing

Angular Contact Ball Bearing

To bear predominate radial load and subsidiary axial load from both directions, lower cost and price, low running resistance, high limiting speed, possible to reach higher rotating precision and pretty low vibration level, in addition, possible to make into sealing structure.


Product Detail

To bear predominate radial load and subsidiary axial load from both directions, lower cost and price, low running resistance, high limiting speed, possible to reach higher rotating precision and pretty low vibration level, in addition, possible to make into sealing structure.


Electric motors, machine tools, automobiles, precise devices, home ppliances, chemical machineries, general machineries, agricultural machineries, etc

Angular Contact Ball Bearing
Bearing Type Old Model Basic dimensions Basic load ratings Speed ratings Weight
ID OD Width dyc(Cr) stc(Cor) Grease Oil
(mm) (mm) (mm) (kN) (kN) (r/min) (r/min) (kg)
7000C 36100 10 26 8 5.3 2.45 47000 62000 0.021
7000AC 46100 10 26 8 5 2.35 34000 42000 0.021
7200C 36200 10 30 9 5 2.35 40000 54000 0.031
7200AC 462O0 10 30 9 4.65 2.2 29000 37000 0.031
7001C 36101 12 28 8 5.8 2.95 40000 54000 0.024
7001AC 46101 12 28 8 5.4 2.75 29000 37000 0.024
7201C 36201 12 32 10 7.9 3.85 38000 50000 0.038
7201AC 46201 12 32 10 7.45 3.65 27000 34000 0.038
7002C 36102 15 32 9 6.6 3.7 35000 47000 0.035
7002AC 461O2 15 32 9 6.1 3.45 26000 32000 0.035
7202C 36202 15 35 11 8065 4.55 33000 43000 0.048
7202AC 46202 15 35 11 8.1 4.25 24000 29000 0.048
7003C 36103 17 35 10 7.3 4.45 31000 41000 0.045
7003AC 461O3 17 35 10 6.75 4.15 23000 28000 0.045
7203C 36203 17 40 12 10.9 5.9 29000 38000 0.07
7203AC 46203 17 40 12 10.2 5.5 21000 26000 0.07
7004C 36104 20 42 12 11.1 6.6 26000 35000 0.079
7004AC 46104 20 42 12 10.3 6.1 19000 24000 0.079
7204C 36204 20 47 14 15.5 9 24000 32000 0.112
7204AC 462O4 20 47 14 14.5 8.4 17000 22000 0.112
7204B 66204 20 47 14 13.3 7.7 13000 17000 0.112
7005C 36105 25 47 12 12.3 8 23000 30000 0.091
7005AC 461O5 25 47 12 11.3 7.4 17000 21000 0.091
7205C 36205 25 52 15 16.6 10.2 21000 28000 0.135
7205AC 462O5 25 52 15 15.3 9.5 15000 19000 0.135
7205B 66205 25 52 15 14 8.7 12000 15000 0.135
7305B 66305 25 62 17 22.9 13.3 10000 14000 0.243
7006C 36106 30 55 13 15.8 11 20000 26000 0.133
7006AC 46106 30 55 13 14.5 10.1 14000 18000 0.133
7206C 36206 30 62 16 23 14.7 18000 24000 0.208
7206AC 46206 30 62 16 21.3 13.7 13000 16000 0.208
7206B 66206 30 62 16 19.4 12.5 9600 13000 0.208
7306B 66306 30 72 19 27.6 17.4 8700 12000 0.362
7007C 36107 35 62 14 19.1 13.7 17000 22000 0.17
7007AC 46107 35 62 14 17.5 12.6 12000 15000 0.17
7207C 36207 35 72 17 30.4 20.1 15000 20000 0.295
7207AC 46207 35 72 17 28.1 18.6 11000 14000 0.295
7207B 66207 35 72 17 25.6 17 8300 11000 0.295
7307B 66307 35 80 21 32.5 20.2 7700 10000 0.475
7008C 36108 40 68 15 20.5 15.9 15000 20000 0.21
7008AC 46108 40 68 15 18.7 14.6 11000 14000 0.21
7208C 36208 40 80 18 36.4 25.2 14000 18000 0.382
7208AC 46208 40 80 18 33.6 23.3 10000 12000 0.382
7208B 66208 40 80 18 30.6 21.3 7500 10000 0.382

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